Saturday, October 18, 2008

Goal Setting

So we've had this piano for a few months now and we have been loving it. Kermit has been working on it's restoration little by little. His goal to rebuild all of the insides has been put on hold until after Christmas though. Why? Because I also have goals. I love Christmas music and I want to learn to play Christmas songs...and how would I be able to practice if the piano is out of commission while Kermit rebuilds it? So here we are in October and I'm practicing all kinds of Christmas music from the Hymn book so I can be ready the day after Thanksgiving. Kermit has been working on a few Christmas songs himself. He is working on some of the music from Charlie Brown Christmas. Yes, it is very Christmasy around here. My goal is to learn a new song every week.

Speaking of goals....kind of random but I made a goal to get a 72 hour emergency evacuation kit ready for our family. Done. (Oh yeah, I still need to make copies of all our important papers to throw in there.) The duffel bag it is packed in is bursting at the seams and weighs a ton. Among it's contents is the T-shirt that I am wearing in the picture below. It's the perfect T-shirt for such a kit don't you think? Our family received about a dozen of these fancy type shirts this summer. We have T-shirts with puppy dogs, cheetahs, more fairies, kittens, horses, wolves you name it - we have the shirt. So naturally I stashed some in the duffel for the kids too. If we ever have to actually use the kit, the kids will be excited to get to wear these fancy gems. Kermit says that if we are ever refugees anywhere, we will fit right in. =)


Alison said...

Kirsten- "Riding on a Mule" is kind of a Christmas song don't you think? I always did think it was so cool that you could play that. Now is my chance to finally learn! =)

kir said...

"Riding on a mule" is a fantastic Christmas song that is near and dear to my heart!! Your goals are great)love things that are Christmas-oriented!! Along with mule riding, I can also play "Christmas Bells" and "Away in a Manger"- I know, a triple threat!! Maybe we could do some kind of cousin online duet, mmmm...

kir said...

So sorry about the typos on my previous comment-oops...your goals are still great!!