This evening I had to take notice of one little bright spot in this crazy happy little Addie. All three of my girls are just the greatest but tonight I have to say I felt extraordinarily thankful for my little Adeline. It was while I was brushing her teeth and singing songs with her tonight that it struck me. "This girl has been great ALL day long! She has been happy from the minute she woke up this morning to this very moment." What a great little girl! I mean, she didn't even get cranky pre or post nap! I just sat there in amazement as I watched her just be her happy little self! It was just heaven to see this little one just glowing, happy & totally healthy! It radiated from her and somehow made me feel less sick for a moment.
Tonight as I read stories, she snuggled in close and and listened to every word. When I put her to bed she gave me the sweetest hugs and sweetest smiles and went to sleep. Ah. Her happy little disposition was just what I needed today. I love that sweet Adeline.