Wednesday, February 12, 2014

4 months

This girl is beautiful beyond words! Every day I shake my head in amazement.  She is perfect!  Today she is 4 months.  She had her check up today and did great.  Stars all across.  She is probably on track though to get a helmet for her lopsided head.  She favors looking to the left and in fact her neck muscles are so tight it is hard for her to turn her head to the right.  She has started physical therapy to help with this but her head shape still needs to get she will follow in Annaliese's path and get a helmet.
As you can see this girl is loving her tummy time.  She has really improved this month.  The girls love to get down on the floor and play with her.  She actually just tolerates the tummy time but loves the attention from her big sisters. 
Also just this last week she has found her voice.  She is experimenting with different volumes and tones and making different sounds.  She is also starting to laugh a lot more.  She likes to be tickled.  She always has a smile ready for you.  If you just go up to her and talk she will always give you a smile back.  She is just a happy girl.  Love her!  Happy 4 months Baby Girl!

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