Wednesday, October 31, 2007

Meet "Pumpkiny"

A couple of nights ago Annaliese got to stay up a little later than normal to carve a pumpkin with her dad. You don't have to ask her she'll just tell you that "I'm daddy's girl." Yes, she is daddy's girl...but mommy is crazy about her too!

The last few nights at bed time Kermit has taken "Pumkiny" up to Annaliese's room and they've watched the pumpkin glow as they read stories and fall asleep. Too precious for words.


Shannon said...

This is so sweet. What is it about dads spending time with their girls that feels so special?

Alison said...

Annaliese was sad to throw away we are "taking it back to the pumpkin patch so that the raccoons can eat it." She liked that idea.

Shannon said...

Very clever problem sloving there Mom! Maybe you can leave your chocolate for them too (smile).

Alison said...

GASP! Oh my, oh my...I gave all my chocolate to a woman in my ward "to give to her children" you think that maybe...Ahhh! Nooo! =) JK! I actually do think it went to a good home! Children in Japan! =) (but not ALL of it) he he!