I turned on the TV this morning looking for a local traffic report. I was debating loading the kids up and heading to a suburban shopping mall to do some returns, and a traffic report would help me decide. All I could find was LIVE Inauguration coverage, no traffic reports anywhere to be found. Annaliese became immediately captivated.
"What are all those people doing?"
"Why are the all cheering?"
"Who is Barack Obama?"
"Why is he the president?"
very good questions.
We got comfortable on the couch as I tried to answer all of her questions. She was curious about each of the former presidents that she saw on the screen and wondered why they weren't the president anymore. I got to explain that every four years America votes for a new president. Who ever gets the most votes gets to be the new president.
"Mom, did you vote?"
"Can I go with you next time?"
We watched Sasha and Malia being escorted to their seats.
"Do they have a mom?"
We watched Michelle Obama being escorted.
"Oh, I get it...they're the Obama family just like we're the K__ Family! Now
their dad is the new president, right? When is he going to be on?"
We watch, we watch, we watch....She waits, she waits, she waits....
Finally she gets to see who Barack Obama is. She was thrilled to be able to know who the new president of the United States is. It was the same kind of thrill when we watched the Olympics together this past summer....patriotic.
I was glad that we had this little learning moment together. I may not have voted for Obama but I do want him to be successful for America's sake.
I thought Obama's speech was appropriate and fine. I found his choice of words interesting as they were clearly meant for the world to hear, not just the America. I
am glad I stayed home to watch this historic event with my girls instead of fighting traffic. I have to admit that there was one thing that got my goat a little. I don't think it was appropriate for Mr. Preacherman Joseph Lowery to take racial jabs in the closing prayer...the closing PRAYER of an INAUGURATION! Pretty low.
Before I turned off the TV Annaliese told me, "When I get older I want to go into that show." In other words...when she grows up she wants to go to an inauguration. I hope she gets to someday.
This afternoon I pulled out my photo album. I found pictures from 1997, Clinton's 2nd Inauguration. I was there. It didn't matter that I didn't vote for him either, it was just cool to be there. Patriotic.